Pettet is a character in Quentin Tarantino's Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, played by Rumer Willis. Joanna Pettet as Mata Bond - The daughter of James Bond and Mata Hari, it's no surprise that Pettet's character is in the spy game too.Agent Mimi is one of Kerr's last big screen roles. Deborah Kerr as Agent Mimi - The multi-time Oscar nominated Kerr parodies the Bond girl who starts out bad but changes sides thanks to 007's charms.Related: How James Bond's Gun Barrel Opening Was Made (Before CGI) Allen plays Bond's nephew in Casino Royale, and the film's villain. Noah - Renowned director and actor behind films such as Annie Hall, Allen has become a somewhat controversial figure of late. The two actors know each other very well, as Sellers played Inspector Jacques Clouseau in The Pink Panther. Peter Sellers as Evelyn Tremble - Essentially giving his own Bond portrayal, Tremble is hired as a gambling expert by Niven's actual Bond.